Wednesday, February 21, 2007

There are lots of herbal medications and vitamin preparations that are alleged to boost your sex drive. And many shops will be delighted to sell them to you! But – and this is very important – there are absolutely no scientific trials that prove that any of these things work (except, of course, by the power of suggestion). At the moment, 'medical ' drugs like Cialis, Levitra, Viagra and the male hormone testosterone haven't really been proved to help women in your situation either – though some testosterone products are likely to be marketed quite soon.There are one or two devices and creams that are alleged to help when applied to the clitoris. But really what you need to do is to go to an experienced doctor who can help you find out WHY you are lacking in desire. In the UK, the easiest place to find such a doctor is often at your local Family Planning Clinic.

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