Thursday, March 15, 2007

A question answered

A couple of months ago, I had a total hysterectomy. Everything went well although I developed an infection in the scar at the top of the cervix. This has all cleared up now. When can I have sex with my husband again? Will I need to be careful about infections?Also, my cervix is now absent – will that affect our sexual relationship?

In most cases, people can have sex about eight weeks after a hysterectomy. However, you must be guided by your gynaecologist on this point, especially as you've had an infection. Please take things gently at first, and use plenty of lubricant (eg K-Y Jelly). Women whose cervix has been removed usually report that they feel 'a different sort of orgasm'. Some report that sex is nicer because there is now 'more room' at the top of the vagina. Others don't. It’s very unlikely that you will get any infection now – but if you develop any discharge (specially an offensive one), tell your GP or gynaecologist.My advice is to begin with foreplay only, with lots of clitoral stimulation to bring you to a climax. This will give you confidence before you resume full sex. It would be worth trying out various positions, to see which are the most comfortable for you. Best wishes. Dr David Delvin, GP

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