Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Very interesting Issue

This problem is seriously affecting my relationship.Before I had my two children, my husband and I always enjoyed a satisfying sex life. Although my body was by no means perfect, it was OK – and I was confident. However, after my first child (who was born by Caesarean section) my breasts were just like saggy sacks – and so small I was embarrassed by them and would not let my husband touch them at all. However, we did still enjoy sex.But after my second child, who was normal delivery, everything is just a mess physically. I lack total confidence in my body and will not allow my husband anywhere near me.It is not that I am overweight or anything in that respect; I am lucky and back to my pre-pregnancy weight. However, I have no boobs at all – just saggy sacks of skin which do not even measure 32A.And as for ‘down below’, I feel so loose that I will not have physical contact with my husband.I have tried endless pelvic floor muscle exercises and I have even had a course of electrotherapy. I have also tried Aqua cones but I cannot even keep them in my vagina, and nothing else has helped. When I lie down on my back I expel air from my vagina and when I bend down even now it still feels strange. Is there anything I can do? I know my husband will not put up with this for much longer even though he reassures me that he thinks it is ok, I do not feel ok at all and feel totally under confident when it comes to anything sexual. This is a total contrast to everyday life as I am quite confident (it’s amazing what a padded bra can do) but in the bedroom department I am a wreck. I do not want my marriage to be a sham but I do not know what to do. Please can you help or suggest anything?

David writes: I am so sorry to hear about all this unhappiness. Before going on to the question of physical treatments can I say that it is quite clear that you need counselling to help you to overcome these dreadful feelings of inadequacy and low self-esteem? From my own experience, I'd suggest you begin by talking with one of the female doctors at a local Family Planning Clinic. They are very used to helping women who have bad feelings about the sexual parts of their bodies - with resultant sexual difficulties. Turning to physical matters, I don't think you should rush into any treatment for your breasts or your vagina. However, when you’ve thought things over and found out about the costs (and risks) of surgery, it would be perfectly reasonable for you to consider:
plastic surgery to increase your 32A bust line.
gynaecological surgery to tighten up your vagina. But first please get some counselling. Christine adds: I really think a Family Planning doctor would be your best bet. For a start she will be able to counsel you, but she will also be able to examine you - and will know what should be done about your physical problems.It's just possible that since you are so seriously distressed by the changes in your body you may be able to get surgery for your breasts and your genitals on the NHS. The Family Planning doctor should be able to advise you about that. Unfortunately, the Health Service is increasingly reluctant to pay for plastic surgery. Meanwhile, keep as close to your husband as you can. He sounds a good and lovely man and he needs to feel loved - even if you don't feel you can bear to have sex very often right now. Good luck.Yours sincerelyDr David Delvin, GP and Christine Webber, Sex and Relationships Expert
source- nedoctor.co.uk

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