Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Viagra for Women?

This is a very interesting question and answer that can benefit a lot of women who I am pretty sure have asked themselves the same thing!


I'm female. Can I take Viagra? Would it benefit my sex life in any way?


Viagra is still (2006) not licensed for use by women, so you probably wouldn't get a doctor to prescribe it for you. Quite a lot of research has been done on the effect of Viagra in women, but the results have been a bit disappointing. Some patients appear to have experienced minor effects such as increased lubrication in the vagina, so there is one clinic in London that is still experimenting with its use in females. But so far, they haven’t published the results of their work. There is no effect on sexual desire.Finally, keep in mind that Viagra has quite a few side-effects – as well as some serious interactions with other drugs. So don’t be tempted to buy it off the Net!

Yours sincerely

Dr David Delvin, GP

Source: netdoctor.co.uk

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