Monday, April 23, 2007

Barriers to women's sexual response

There are a number of factors that may inhibit a woman's sexual response. Sometimes this is due to physical factors, other times a woman's feelings or past experiences may affect her sexual responses.
A woman's current or past experiences with sexual assault or domestic violence can make it more difficult to enjoy sexual relationships. A woman's sexual responses may be inhibited, if she doesn't trust her partner or if she and her partner can't communicate effectively. Even something as simple as an unresolved quarrel can inhibit a woman's sexual responses.
Few women experience orgasm from vaginal penetration alone. Rubbing or other less direct stimulation of the clitoris, is usually the easiest way for a woman to have an orgasm. Sometimes a woman may find her clitoris is very sensitive and direct stimulation is uncomfortable. If a woman rarely or never experiences orgasm, she may wish to explore her own responses through masturbation. She can then use this information to talk to her partner about how to make their sexual experiences more enjoyable.

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