Monday, March 5, 2007

Physical Causes

What are the causes of lack of libido in women?

Physical causes

Possible physical causes in females include:
anaemia - which is very common in women, because of iron loss during their periods (and in childbirth).
drug abuse.
generalised disorders, such as diabetes.
post-baby coolness (PBC): this is the term for the extremely common loss of libido that occurs after childbirth. It is almost certainly linked to the violent changes in hormones that occur at this time, though oddly enough, no clear-cut changes in hormones have ever been identified. The general trauma of childbirth also plays a part - and after having a baby, many women are simply too exhausted to think about sex!
prescribed drugs, particularly tranquillisers.
hyperprolactinaemia - a rare disorder in which the pituitary gland is overactive.

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